Bologna trending

Bologna trending

When I first discovered Bologna, I researched for information through Google search as well as Amazon for travel books.  At the time there was not too much out there other than the tourism sites for Emilia Romagna and Bologna Welcome.  Often links in these sites would take me to pages in Italian that I was […]

Laying the foundation

Laying the foundation

In the past when I traveled to Italy and other places in Europe I would post a daily blog for each day’s activities with eye-catching pictures of the places I visited along with my scrumptious meals.  For those curious as to why I have been writing less this time around, it is really quite simple-time […]

Tuning up

Tuning up

Those who attend Broadway shows or symphonies know that before the performance starts the orchestra tunes up their individual instruments and the sound produced is often a cacophony to our ears.  So too has been my first full week of living in Bologna. My friends have asked- “where are all your photos that you usually […]

The journey begins……

The journey begins……

And it begins with a wine tasting in an old palazza in Bologna.  Sponsored by an association formed to spread the culture of Italian wine, I spent the late afternoon tasting wines and sampling food to accompany them.  And a fitting way to kick-off Sampling Italy which is all about traveling and living in Italy, in […]